
Wellbeing is central to the Melbourne Girls Grammar experience. We believe an exceptional education for life not only develops academic skills and attributes, but emotional and physical wellbeing as well.

A proactive approach to student wellbeing

With an established wellbeing team for every year level, we focus on the holistic importance of the social, emotional, physical and academic wellbeing of our girls. We understand that when our girls feel well and in control of the many aspects of their lives, they confront obstacles and challenges with confidence and a belief in their capacity to solve problems.

Why it’s important

Research indicates that young people thrive when living and learning in an environment that optimises both choice and challenge. Our integrated wellbeing model responds to this and provides the conditions that best support positive mental health and overall wellbeing.

What it means for our girls

Our overarching objective is to empower our girls to understand what underpins good health, such that they set and pursue goals to ensure their wellbeing is a priority. Our girls will learn to take responsibility for their wellbeing by developing understanding and skills for life. 

Wellbeing in early learning

In our Early Learning Program, children are encouraged to understand the ideas of ‘Being, Becoming and Belonging’, aiding awareness of relationships with those around them.

Each child’s ability to concentrate, co-operate and learn is improved through a focus on physical wellbeing which contributes to the broader program.

Wellbeing in the Junior Years

Feeling comfortable at school as well as being happy and healthy has a direct impact on each student’s optimal learning and their confidence and resilience. The relationship between wellbeing and learning, therefore, is critical to the development of each child at Morris Hall.

Wellbeing underpins our academic learning and is woven into all school experiences. Our goal is to provide a proactive environment to support students to develop the skills and mindset to actively manage their wellbeing.

wellbeing in the middle years

We believe the wellbeing of our students underpins their academic success, and that a holistic approach to knowing each student and her family is vital in providing our girls with the support they need to succeed.

The wellbeing of our girls is multi-faceted and dynamic. We recognise that as our girls move through the Middle Years – as they grow and develop – their wellbeing needs will continue to change. 

Through our proactive approach to student wellbeing, our overarching objective is to empower our girls to understand the essentials of good health, so that they set and pursue goals in which their wellbeing is a priority. With this focus in mind, we ensure our physical activities and programs are reflective of the most current trends in the benefits of sport and exercise on each girl’s wellbeing.

Our Wildfell and St Hilda’s girls are encouraged to participate either competitively or recreationally through a breadth of opportunities that cater for a wide range of needs. Regardless of which physical activity they choose, every girl is encouraged to strive to achieve her personal best for optimal wellbeing.

Wellbeing in the senior years

Since 2008, Melbourne Girls Grammar has developed a significant research base to inform and develop a Senior Years Wellbeing Model.

Girls entering Year 9 are part of a progressive, preventative and education-based wellbeing program that responds to the challenges young people are faced with today in the areas of:

  • Social connectedness
  • Mental health (including anxiety, depression, stress and perfectionism)
  • Physical health (sedentary behaviours, nutrition, sleep).

Building on existing curriculum and wellbeing provisions, the new model provides a sophisticated, integrated experience of academic, co-curricular and wellbeing programs.

Our approach ensures the social, personal and environmental factors in each of our girls’ lives work together to maximise her learning and develop her as an independent, self-aware and resilient young woman. The approach is holistic and is about proactive care strategies. Positive relationships between staff, students and parents are central for success.

Wellbeing Coaches

The Melbourne Girls Grammar Wellbeing team brings together a group of five remarkable professionals from diverse backgrounds, including counselling, elite sport, psychology and education. 

Weekly, one-on-one wellbeing coaching is a vital component of the Senior Years Program. During these sessions, girls are empowered to identify their values, and to learn how to effectively balance all aspects of their spirituality, health, learning and relationships. 

Our Wellbeing Coaches are non-teaching staff, and are specifically involved in:

  • Coaching students to understand their wellbeing and proactively manage their wellbeing needs and goals
  • Guiding the student in optimising their opportunities, both academic and co-curricular
  • Tracking the student’s holistic progress
  • Engaging with Fit for You Coaches

Fit for YOU Coaches

Fit for You Coaches within the Artemis Centre work with our senior girls to create individual fitness goals and tailored personal programs.

Our Fitness Coaches are qualified exercise physiologists (ESSA) and strength and conditioning coaches, and play a pivotal role in working with the girls to develop their individual physical wellbeing plans.